Customer testimonials


Customer testimonials

I received this lovely message from a customer so thought I'd share it. 

Good morning Fern,

Thank you for your warm welcome to Cultman Collectables.

The medals I purchased arrive this morning, excellent delivery service - very pleased with medals and equally pleased with the purchase price.
When one compares similar items that are being offered on eBay, and dare I say with some Medal dealers, I can say with certainty I will be looking
forward to further purchases.

Thank you once again, should you wish to quote me in your testimonials please feel free to do so.

Very best wishes Mr. D

When someone makes to effort to let us know how we're doing it really does mean a lot.  Not only does your feedback help us know if we're not up to scratch or when we're doing things right but online reviews on Facebook and Google help our business to grow. The algorithms used by search engines favour companies with more reviews and push them up the search rankings. This means more people can find us online.  

Thank you all for your continued support. Now, I better get some work done! (Military badges going on today for those interested) Fern.