Cloth Shoulder Titles
7th Royal Canadian Artillery (7 RCA) Cloth...
7th Royal Canadian Artillery (7 RCA) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the 7th Royal Canadian Artillery (7 RCA)...
South African Cape Town Rifles (DUKES) Clo...
South African Cape Town Rifles (DUKES) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the South African Cape Town Rifles (DUKES..
7th Toronto Regiment Royal Canadian Artill...
7th Toronto Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery (7 TOR) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered '7 TOR' shoulder title for the 7th Toronto Regiment Royal Ca..
57th Field Battery Royal Canadian Artiller...
57th Field Battery Royal Canadian Artillery (57FD) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered '57FD' shoulder title for the 57th Field Battery Royal Canad..
Somerset Light Infantry (SOMERSET L.I.) Cl...
Somerset Light Infantry (SOMERSET L.I.) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered 'SOMERSET L.I.' shoulder title for the Somerset Light Infant..
Canadian Nova Scotia Highlanders (NOVA SCO...
Canadian Nova Scotia Highlanders (NOVA SCOTIA HIGHLANDERS/CANADA) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the Canadian Nova Scotia Highlanders (NOV..
Coldstream Guards (COLDSTREAM GUARDS) Clot...
Coldstream Guards (COLDSTREAM GUARDS) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the Coldstream Guards (COLDSTREAM GUARDS)..
Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshir...
Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yorkshire (PRINCE OF WALE'S OWN/YORKSHIRE) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Yor..
Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment (QUEEN'S SUR...
Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment (QUEEN'S SURREYS) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment (QUEEN'..
Brighton Grammar School Combined Cadet For...
Brighton Grammar School Combined Cadet Force (BRIGHTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL / C.C.F.) Cloth Shoulder Title
A 'BRIGHTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL/C.C.F.' cloth embroidered shoulder title for the Bri..
Air Training Corps (AIR TRAINING CORPS) Cl...
Air Training Corps (AIR TRAINING CORPS) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered 'AIR TRAINING CORPS' shoulder title. In good condition...
WW2 Royal Air Force R.A.F. (CANADA/Eagle) ...
WW2 Royal Air Force R.A.F. (CANADA/Eagle) Cloth Shoulder Title
A WW2 cloth embroidered shoulder title for the Royal Air Force R.A.F. (CANADA/Eagle)...
Brighton Grammar School Combined Cadet For...
Brighton Grammar School Combined Cadet Force (BRIGHTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL/C.C.F.) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered 'BRIGHTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL/C.C.F.' shoulder title for the Brig..
Grenada Boys Secondary School Cadet Corps ...
Grenada Boys Secondary School Cadet Corps (G.B.S.S. CADET CORPS) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered 'G.B.S.S. CADET CORPS' shoulder title for the Grenada Boys S..
The Life Guards (THE LIFE GUARDS) Cloth Sh...
The Life Guards (THE LIFE GUARDS) Cloth Shoulder Title
A cloth embroidered shoulder title for the Life Guards. In good condition. ..